We want you to understand what’s happening to your body and your family.

silhouette of pregnant person on the beach

Transforming education for parents

We are a group of Carteret County residents who decided that we wanted parenting education to be more accessible to the residents of the county. Our solution? A new organization dedicated to teaching the things we wish we’d been taught.

masculine appearing person with infant

So what are we doing?

We are offering classes, both group and individual, on just about anything you can think of related to having a baby. If you’re interested in a topic that isn’t listed, feel free to contact us, and we’ll let you know if we can teach it!

Our classes and rates

Please note:

We do not want finances to keep anyone from taking our classes. If you are unable to pay, please contact us to discuss sliding scale payments or scholarships.

Car seat checks are always free, although donations are welcomed. Contact us to schedule a check for any seat!

We will also have scheduled public car seat checks throughout the community. Check the events page or social media for further details!

Labor and Birth Preparation

This class will discuss the labor process, techniques for coping with discomfort in labor (including medications), and decision making in the birth process (including birth plans).

Limited to 6 pairs

We suggest starting this class around 26-28 weeks.

12 hours | $60 per family

Newborn Care

This class will discuss feeding, bathing, dressing, and diapering your baby. We’ll talk about car seat safety, normal newborn behavior, and postpartum depression. If you’re interested, we’ll also teach you about infant CPR and first aid, baby wearing, and cloth diapering.

Limited to 16 adults, but siblings are welcome!

We recommend this class for those who are pregnant or have babies less than a month old.

4 hours | $40 per family

Pregnancy Basics

You just found out you’re pregnant. Now what? This class will discuss lots of great info to keep you happy and healthy while you wait for your new baby. We’ll talk about nutrition, common pregnancy discomforts, stretches and exercises, and things you should make sure to do or avoid.

We recommend taking this class early in pregnancy—contact us to schedule a time!

2 hours | $20 per family

Breastfeeding Basics

This class will discuss reasons for breastfeeding, how lactation works, how to know baby is getting enough milk, and different feeding positions.

2 hours | $20 per family

Custom Education

Interested in something not listed above? Contact us and ask—chances are we’re prepared to teach you about it. Fertility, birth control, your child’s first period—try us!

1 hour | $50 per family

Get started with Naissance today.